Sets by Manufacturer
Planned Sets
Personality figures
Sets for Austerlitz
Personalities Aust
Sets for Borodino
Personalities Borodino
Sets for Jena
Personalities Jena
Personalities Leipzig
Mix 'n' Match Figs
Future Projects
Book Reviews
Uniforms & Organisation
Rants & Raves
Upcoming Events
About this site

Future Projects for this site

In addition to the information which has already been published on this site, I intend to add the following information:

- List of available sets, which are suitable for recreating various battles: Austerlitz (done), Jena (done), Borodino (done), Leipzig, Waterloo 
- List of available personality figures for various battles: Austerlitz (done), Jena (done), Borodino (done), Leipzig (done), Waterloo 
- List of sets containing generic figures, e.g. "general", "ADC", "cantinière, etc.
- Contents of the Battle Sets (partly done)