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Sets Listed by Manufacturer

A number of manufacturers have produced plastic figures in 1/72 scale for the Napoleonic Wars. However, not all products are original. Some manufacturers have produced figures under license, which another manufacturer had previously released. It is also worth noting, that the title given by the manufacturer to a set of figures is not always an accurate representation of the period within the Napoleonic era for which those figures are suitable. It is therefore strongly advisable to check a review of a particular set before purchasing it. See the Links page for review sites.

In addition, some manufacturers have produced larger "battle sets", which usually include a number of previously released sets plus sometimes new figures. It is advisable to check a review or at least the contents list of a particular battle set before purchasing it.

Many of these sets are no longer produced, and some even fetch very high prices at auction or from specialist shops.

Although I have tried to include any obscure manufacturers in this list, I have deliberately omitted manufacturers of generic or "pseudo" Napoleonic figures, e.g. Eagle Games and Giant.

I have also created a printable checklist (PDF) of all sets listed on this page.


Manufacturers (in alphabetical order)

A Call to Arms





Barcelona Universal Models (B.U.M.)




Franznap Miniatures


Hät Industrie




Legio Collection / Lancier Bleu







Red Box


Sergent Arny

Speira Miniatures



Waterloo 1815




A Call to Arms

50 British Infantry 1815
51 French Cuirassiers 1815
53 French Carabiniers 1815
58 French Infantry 1815
64 British Foot Artillery 1815
66 Netherlands Infantry 1815



7210 Waterloo British Cavalry
        This is a copy of Airfix 1743
7211 Waterloo British Artillery
        This is a copy of Airfix 1746
7212 Waterloo French Cavalry
        This is a copy of Airfix 1736
7213 Waterloo French Artillery
        This is a copy of Airfix 1737



1735 Waterloo Highland Infantry
1736 Waterloo French Cavalry (Cuirassiers)
1737 Waterloo French Artillery
1743 Waterloo British Cavalry (Hussars)
1744 Waterloo French Infantry
1745 Waterloo British Infantry
1746 Waterloo British Artillery
1749 Waterloo French Imperial Guard
1756 Waterloo Prussian Infantry
4738 Battle of Waterloo Farm House
40604-4Battle of Waterloo Assault Set
        La Haye Sainte farmhouse (Airfix 4738)
        Accessory Set (at the time exclusive to this set)
        Highland Infantry (Airfix 1735)
        French Artillery (Airfix 1737)
        French Infantry (Airfix 1744)
        British Infantry (Airfix 1745)
        British Artillery (Airfix 1746)
        French Imperial Guard (Airfix 1749)
        French Cavalry (Airfix 1736 - apparently only included in later versions of the Assault Set)
        British Cavalry (Airfix 1743 - apparently only included in later versions of the Assault Set)
 50048 Waterloo Battle Set
        La Haye Sainte farmhouse (Airfix 4738)
        Accessory Set (as in Airfix 40604-4 Waterloo Assault Set)
        Highland Infantry (Airfix 1735)
        French Cavalry (Airfix 1736)
        French Artillery (Airfix 1737)
        British Cavalry (Airfix 1743)
        French Infantry (Airfix 1744)
        British Infantry (Airfix 1745)
        British Artillery (Airfix 1746)
        French Imperial Guard (Airfix 1749)
        Prussian Infantry (Airfix 1756)
        Paints and paintbrush



3 Napoleonic Wars 1796-1815 - British Artillery
        8 figures and 2 cannons
      Looks to be a copy of the figures and cannon
      from Esci 233
15 Napoleonic Wars 1796-1815 - Waterloo French
Imperial Guard
        15 figures
      Looks to be a copy of the figures from
      Esci 214, one of each pose in that set
16 Napoleonic Wars 1796-1815 - Austrian Infantry
        15 figures
      Looks to be a copy of the Austrian and
      Prussian infantry figures from Esci 226,
      one of each pose in that set
25 Napoleonic Wars 1796-1815 - French Cuirassiers
        6 figures and 6 horses
      Looks to be a copy of six of the carabinier
      figures from Italeri 6003
27 Napoleonic Wars 1796-1815 - British Cavalry
        6 figures and 6 horses
      Looks to be a copy of six of the light dragoon
      (hussar) figures from Esci 230
29 Napoleonic Wars 1796-1815 - Russian Grenadiers
        18 figures
      Looks to be a copy of the figures from
      Italeri 6006, one of each of the 15 poses in
      that set, as well as 3 other figures, possibly


1118 1815 British Hussars and Polish Lancers
        Esci 230 and Esci 218 in an A-Toys box
1122 1812 French and Russian Infantry
        Esci 227 and Esci 236 in an A-Toys box
1123 1815 British and French Heavy Cavalry
        Esci 217 and Esci 235 in an A-Toys box
1217 1806 French Infantry
        Esci 227 in an A-Toys box
1226 1806 Prussian Infantry
        Esci 226 in an A-Toys box
1233 1815 British Artillery
        Esci 233 in an A-Toys box
1234 1815 French Artillery
        Esci 234 in an A-Toys box
1236 1812 Russian Infantry
        Esci 236 in an A-Toys box
1414 Waterloo French Guards
        Esci 214 in an A-Toys box
1415 Waterloo British Infantry
        Esci 215 in an A-Toys box


Barcelona Universal Models (B.U.M.)

7100 Russian Artillery & 1812 House Ruin
        4 cannon and 8 artillerymen (possibly conversions of
      grenadier figures from Esci 236)
      ruined house (vacuform)
7101 Peninsular War Siege of Cadiz 1808
        7 infantry (seem to be the same as Odemars CF01) 
        6 cuirassiers (seem to be the same as 7103)
        2 cannon and 6 artillerymen (seem to be the same as 7112),   
      accessories (barrels, buckets, cannonballs)
        ruined building and courtyard (resin) 
        bridge (vacuform)
7102 Peninsular War Don Julian Lancers 1810
        12 lancers (some poses seem to be the same as Esci 218)
7103 Peninsular War Spanish Cuirassiers 1810 - 1812
        12 cuirassiers
7105 Napoleonic Wars Cuirassiers of the Imperial Guard (sic)
        According to BUM, these are the same  12 cuirassiers as set
      7103, together with 8 Strelets camp figures on foot  
7106 Peninsular War Anglo-Portuguese Army
        28 infantry (seem to be the same as Odemars CF02)
        4 Scottish infantry (seem to be the same as Odemars PF14)
        8 British Officers (seem to be the same as Odemars PF14)
7107 Peninsular War Spanish Army 1810 - 1812
        28 infantry
        6 cuirassiers
7108 Peninsular War Portuguese Artillery 1805 - 1812
        2 cannon and 16 artillerymen
7109 Peninsular War Spanish Army 1808-1812
        On the B.U.M. website, previously called "Battle of 
        2 cannon and 12 artillerymen (according to BUM, same as 7111)
       12 Polish lancers (according to BUM, same as set 7102)
7111 2nd of May
       Subtitled "Depot of Monteleon, Daoiz and Velarde" 
       2 cannon and 10 artillerymen  (according to BUM, same as
      7109, "plus new officers")
       6 grenadiers (seem to be the same as Odemars CF03)
       6 Joseph Bonaparte cuirassiers (according to BUM, same as   
7112 Agustina of Aragon
       Subtitled "1st Siege of Saragossa, Portillo Gate, 2nd July
       Agustina Saragossa y Domènech
       2 cannons, 8 artillerymen (according to BUM, same as 7111)
       6 French cuirassiers (according to BUM, same as 7103)
       2 resin bases (one with a wounded man)
7113 Joseph Bonaparte Grenadiers and Artillery
        28 French grenadiers (seem to be the same as Odemars CF03)
       1 cannon, 3 artillerymen
7114 Legion of the Vistula
       Subtitled "Voltigeurs 2nd Regiment and Lancers 1st Regiment,
      Spain 1810-1811" 
        28 French infantry (according to BUM, from Odemars - look
      like PF19)
        6 lancers (according to BUM, same as 7102)
7115 Foot Guards
       Subtitled "3rd Regiment in the Peninsula 1811-1813" 
        28 British infantry (according to BUM, from Odemars)
        1 cannon (according to BUM, same as 7111)
7116 Peninsular War 2nd May 1808 Toledo Gate
        house front (resin)
        6 cuirassiers (seem to be the same as 7103)
      resin vignette (cuirassier with horse, spanish insurgent and a
      dead or wounded woman
        resin vignette (dead or wounded cuirassier with horse)
        resin vignette (dead or wounded spanish insurgent and woman)
7120 Peninsular War Battle of the Bruch 6th June 1808
       Subtitled "Drummer of the Bruch" 
7121 Battle of Arapiles (i.e. Salamanca)
        Scots Greys (according to BUM, from Mars)
        British Foot Guards (according to BUM, from Odemars)
        French Infantry (according to BUM, from Odemars)
7122 Sieges of Girona
        Somatens (according to BUM, same as 7120)
        French (according to BUM, same as 7114)
        Spanish (according to BUM, same as 7107)
7156 Smolensk 1812
        12 French cuirassiers
        2 Russian cannons with 4 crew
        1 damaged cannon and 4 casualties
7158 Battle of Eylau - 1807
72943 Spanish Army
        According to the box, consists of:
        "42 Infantrymen from Odemars,
        12 Cavalrymen of Archipelag,
        2 Artillery guns/crews and Vacuf land of BUM"
72944 Battle of Austerlitz
        According to the box, consists of:
        "18 Infantrymen from Odemars,
        24 Cavalrymen of Archipelag,
        2 Artillery guns/crews and Vacuf land of BUM"
72945 Quatre Bras Battle
        According to the box, consists of:
        "46 Infantrymen of W1815-Odemars,
        12 Cavalrymen of Archipelag,
        and Vacuf land of BUM"
72946 Waterloo French British Armies
        According to the box, consists of:
        "22 Infantrymen from W1815,
        12 Cavalrymen of Archipelag
        and Vacuf land of BUM"



EM7214 British Infantry - Peninsular War 1807-14
EM7215 French Infantry - Peninsular War 1807-14
EM7216 Spanish Infantry - Peninsular War 1807-14
EM7217 Portuguese Infantry & Cazadores - Peninsular War 1807-14



214 French Imperial Guard "Waterloo 1815"   
215 British Infantry "Waterloo 1815"
217 "Scots Greys" British Cavalry
218 "Polish Lancers" French Cavalry   
219 British and French Artillery
226 Prussian and Austrian Infantry
227 French Line Infantry   
230 British Light Dragoons
233 British Artillery
234 French Artillery   
235 French Cuirassiers
236 Russian Granadiers (sic)
502 Waterloo 1815 Battle Set. The Infantry   
505 Waterloo 1815 Battle Set. The Cavalry and Artillery
508 Austerlitz 1805 Battle Set
509 Jena 1806 Battle Set
510 Salamanca 1812 Battle Set
512 Quatre Bras 1815 Battle Set
513 Borodino 1812 Battle Set



001 Polish Infantry 1809-14
        This is a copy of HYTTY 2001
017 Napoleonic War French Engineers
        This is a copy of LW 36
018 Wellington's Generals
        This is a copy of LW 1
024French Military Band                   
        This is a copy of HYTTY 2001
027 Napoleonic Polish Infantry 1809-14
        This is a copy of HYTTY 2001


 Franznap Miniatures (Resin)

FC-001 Austrian Hussars Command
         3 mounted figures
         2 spare arms
FC-002 Austrian Hussars Team
         4 mounted figures
FC-003 French Line Lancers Command
         3 mounted figures
         2 interchangeable arms
         2 interchangeable saddles
FC-004 French Line Lancers Team
         4 mounted figures
         5 interchangeable arms
FC-006 Neapolitan Command Staff Mounted
         5 mounted figures
         5 interchangeable saddles
FC-010 Austrian Artillery Pack Horses
         1 mounted figure
         1 standing figure
         2 pack horses
         1 separate horse-pack cover
FL-001 Marechal Davout
        Single mounted figure 
FL-002 Murat King of Naples
        Single mounted figure


002 Marques de la Romana 1807 Infantry and Artillery
        I have seen two different box covers for this set, one of which does not include the text "Infantry and Artillery", and where the set seems to be comprised only of infantry. Photos of the figures from that "infantry only" set are linked above.
030 Bergisel 1809 - Tryolean Army


Hät Industrie

7006 Waterloo Prussian Landwehr
        This is a copy of Airfix 1756
7008 Waterloo French Line Infantry
        This is a copy of Airfix 1744
7009 Waterloo British Line Infantry
        This is a copy of Airfix 1745
8001 1805 Napoleonic French Mamelukes
8002 1815 Prussian Dragoons
8003 British Rocket Troops
8005 1815 Prussian Uhlans
8006 Napoleonic Russian Cossacks
8007 Napoleonic Prussian Artillery
8008 Napoleonic Brunswick Avant Garde
8009 Napoleonic French Dragoons
8010 Napoleonic Russian Artillery
8011 Napoleonic French Lancers
8012 Napoleonic Russian Dragoons
8013 French Horse Grenadiers
8014 KGL Light Dragoons
8015 Austrian Cuirassiers
8016 Russian Cuirassiers
8025 Waterloo Dutch Infantry
8026 Brunswick Leib Infantry
8027 Austrian Line Infantry
8028 Napoleonic Bavarian Infantry
8029 French Line Chasseurs
8030 Napoleonic Bavarian Cavalry
8031 Napoleonic Austrian Chevauxleger
8033 British Heavy Dragoons
8032 Dutch Belgian Light Dragoons
8034 French Young Guard
8036 British Light Infantry
8037 Napoleonic Austrian Artillery
8038 Napoleonic Bavarian Artillery
8039 Napoleonic French Line Horse Artillery
8041 French Line Fusiliers
8042 French Light Infantry
8052 Prussian Reserve Infantry
8053 Prussian Jäger and Volunteer Jäger
8062 1805 French Line Infantry
8063 1805 French Light Infantry
8072 1805 Russian Line Infantry
8073 1805 Russian Light Infantry
8083 1806 Prussian Musketeers
8084 1806 Prussian Fusiliers
8091 Napoleonic Swedish Infantry
8093 Württemberg Infantry
8095 1808-1812 French Line Infantry
8096 Waterloo Netherlands Militia and Belgian Infantry
8097 Waterloo Lutzow Freikorps and Nassau Grenadiers
8098 British Marines and Sailors
8099 Russian Militia
8101 French Ammunition Caisson
8102 French Wurst Wagon
8103 French Light Ambulance
8104 French Heavy Ambulance
8105 French Limber
8106 French Baggage Wagon
8107 French Field Forge
8108 French Pontoon
8116 Spanish Guerillas
8135 1806 Prussian Grenadiers
8136 1806 Prussian Elites
8146 1805 French Line Infantry in Greatcoats
8147 Nassau Infantry
8166 1805-1812 French Line Grenadiers
8167 French Middle Guard: Fusilier Grenadiers
8169 Bavarian Fusiliers
8170 French Guard Chasseurs
8171 1805 French Grenadiers and Voltigeurs
8174 Brunswick Cavalry
8175 Wurttemberg Cavalry
8178 Napoleonic Swedish Cavalry
8186 Peninsular War British Infantry
8187 1806 Saxon Infantry
8195 1806 Prussian Hussars
8196 1806 Prussian Dragoons
8197 Prussian Hussars
8198 Austrian Grenadiers
8204 Austrian Grenzer
8218 1808-1812 French Light Infantry Voltigeurs
8219 1808 - 1812 French Light Infantry Chasseurs (Marching)
8220 1808-1812 French Light Infantry Carabiniers
8225 Austrian Ammunition Wagon
8226 Austrian Cavalry Artillery
8229 1805 French Artillery
8230 1806 Prussian Artillery
8231 Swedish Artillery
8232 Württemberg Artillery
8233 Austrian Landwehr
8234 Napoleonic French in Greatcoats
8251 1808 - 1812 French Light Infantry Chasseurs (Action)
8252 1808 - 1812 French Light Infantry Chasseurs (Command)
8253 Prussian Infantry (Marching)
8254 Prussian Infantry (Action)
8255 Prussian Infantry (Command)
8279 Napoleonic Mounted Officers
8294 Napoleonic 1815 French Marching
8296 Napoleonic Early-Mid French Marching
8297 Napoleonic French Command
8300 Spanish Light Infantry
8301 Spanish Grenadiers
8302 Spanish Line Infantry
8303 Spanish Infantry Command
8304 Napoleonic British Command
8307 Napoleonic British Light Dragoons
8308 Napoleonic British Heavy Dragoons
8309 Prussian Landwehr Marching
8310 Prussian Landwehr Action
8311 Napoleonic Naval Cannon and Crew
        This is a reissue of part of HäT set 8098 British
      Marines and Sailors 
8325 British Marines and Fighting Sailors
        This is a reissue of part of HäT set 8098 British
      Marines and Sailors  
8326 Napoleonic Austrian Infantry Marching
8327 Napoleonic Austrian Infantry Action
8328 Napoleonic Austrian Infantry Command
8329 Napoleonic Prussian Infantry Sampler
        This set contains a sprue each from HäT sets:
      8253 Napoleonic Prussian Infantry (Marching), 
      8254 Napoleonic Prussian Infantry (Action) and
      8255 Napoleonic Prussian Infantry (Command)
8330 Napoleonic Spanish Infantry Sampler
        This set contains a sprue each from HäT sets:
      8300 Napoleonic Spanish Light Infantry
      8301 Napoleonic Spanish Grenadiers
      8302 Napoleonic Spanish Line Infantry and
      8303 Napoleonic Spanish Infantry Command 
8334 Napoleonic Hungarian Infantry (Marching)
8335 Napoleonic Hungarian Infantry (Action)
8338 Napoleonic Austrian Infantry Sampler
      This set contains a sprue each from HäT sets:
      8326 Napoleonic Austrian Infantry Marching, 
      8327 Napoleonic Austrian Infantry Action and
      8328 Napoleonic Austrian Infantry Command
8340 Napoleonic British Cavalry Sampler
         This set contains two sprues each from HäT sets:
       8307 Napoleonic British Light Dragoons and
       8308 Napoleonic British Heavy Dragoons



2001 Napoleonic Polish Infantry 1809-14 (after the battle)



6001 Scots Greys British Heavy Cavalry
6002 Les Bleus French Infantry
6003 Carabiniers French Cavalry
6004 Grenadiers Highlander Infantry
6005 Austrian Grenadiers and Infantry
6006 Russian Grenadiers Pavlov Regiment
6007 Prussian Cuirassiers Garde du Corps
6008 French Hussars 1o Regiment Hussards (sic)
6015 French Dragoons Chevalerie de Ligne
6016 French Imperial General Staff
6017 Napoleonic Wars Accessories French Army Support Convoy
6018 French Line/Guard Artillery French Artillery
6031 Napoleonic Wars French Artillery Set
6037 Austrian and Russian Allied General Staff
6039 Dutch-Polish Lancers Red Lancers
        This is a copy of Esci 218
6040 British Light Dragoons
        This is a copy of Esci 230
6041 British Artillery
        This is a copy of Esci 233
6042 Cossack Cavalry
        This is a copy of Zvezda 8018
6058 British & Scots Infantry
        This is a copy of Esci 215
6065 British & Prussian Allied General Staff
6066 French Infantry
6067 Prussian Infantry
6072 French Grenadiers
        This is a copy of Esci 214
6073 Russian Infantry
        This is a copy of Esci 236
6080 French Light Cavalry
6081 Prussian Light Cavalry
6082 Mamelukes
6083 British 95th rgt. “Green Jackets”
6084 French Cuirassiers
        This is a copy of Esci 235
6092 French Infantry 1798 - 1805
6093 Austrian Infantry 1798 - 1805
6094 British Light Cavalry 1815
6095 British Infantry 1815
6101 Waterloo 1815
6135 French Imperial Guard Artillery
        This is a copy of Esci 234
6136 Scots Infantry
6111 Waterloo (200 Years) - Battle at La Haye Sainte
6175 Waterloo (200 Years) - La Haye Sainte Barn
6176 Waterloo (200 Years) - La Haye Sainte Stables
6197 La Haye Sainte Waterloo 1815 Battle Set
        Contains all the buildings from sets 6111, 6175 and 6176 as well as various figures. 



P-720001 French Cuirassiers 1812 - 1815

Legio Collection / Lancier Bleu

LC-LB009 Retreat from Moscow - French Infantry on the March
LC-LB010 Retreat from Moscow - French Infantry in Combat 1
LC-LB011 Retreat from Moscow - French Infantry in Combat 2


004S Waterloo after the Battle Set 1 (French Disaster)
005S Waterloo after the Battle Set 2 (British Disaster)
006S The Victory of Waterloo
027 Napoleonic French Cavalry Disaster in Battle and after Battle



1 Wellington's Generals
36 Napoleonic War Engineers
2004 Portugal Artillery 1809-1814



72016 French Artillery
        This is a copy of Esci 234
72021  Austrian Uhlans
72024 Scots Greys
       This is a copy of Esci 217
72025 Napoleonic British Infantry
        This is a copy of Revell 2571
72028 Russian Uhlans
72029 Russian Dragoons



141 Napoleonic Cavalry
        This is a copy of some of the figures from Airfix 1736
164 Tsarist Russian Combat Group
        This is a copy of some of the figures from Airfix 1756
167 Scottish Combat Group
        This is a copy of some of the figures from Airfix 1735


Munich-Kits (Resin)

FHNK-01 Russian Campaign
        Contains 3 French Troops for the Retreat from Moscow
FHNK-02 Russian Campaign II
        Contains 3 French Troops for the Retreat from Moscow
FHNK-03 Russian Campaign III
        Contains 2 French Troops (one of which is mounted) for the Retreat from Moscow
FHNK-04 Prussian Landwehr 1813 I
        Contains 5 Landwehr infantry and one civilian  
FHNK-05 Prussian Landwehr 1813 II
        Contains 2 Landwehr infantry and 2 civilians
MNK-07 Prussian Infantry
        Contains 3 infantrymen and a civilian 
FHNK-08 Napoleonic Wars
       Contains a figure of Napoleon, a French general and a French grenadier
FHAH-01 Andreas Hofer
        Contains 3 insurgents for the Tyrolean Uprising in 1809
FHAH-02 Andreas Hofer II
        Contains 3 insurgents for the Tyrolean Uprising in 1809 
FHAH-03 Andreas Hofer III
        Contains 3 insurgents for the Tyrolean Uprising in 1809 



CF01 Spanish Infantry
CF02 Portuguese Infantry
CF03 French Grenadiers
PF03 Leaders
 There is only one figure in this set, which is of interest for the Napoleonic era: that of Napoleon Bonaparte himself
PF14 Staff of Wellington's
 This is a copy of the LW set "Wellington's Generals" with 4 additional Poses, all of which are Highland Infantry
PF19French Infantry at Hougoumont
PF20British Infantry for Hougoumont
FOW01 Hougoumont - The Cart Shed
FOW02 Hougoumont - The Gardener's House Set 1
FOW03 Hougoumont - The Cowshed
FOW04 Hougoumont - The Stable
FOW05 Hougoumont - The Farmer's House
FOW06 Hougoumont - The Gardener's House Set 2
FOW07 Hougoumont - The Barn
FOW08 Hougoumont - The Doors & Walls
FOW09 Hougoumont - The Cowshed Set 1
FOW10 Hougoumont - The Cowshed Set 2
FOW11 Hougoumont - The Doors & Walls
FOW12 Hougoumont - The Exterior Walls
FOW13 Hougoumont - The Chateau
FOW14 Hougoumont - The Tower


Red Box

RB72129 Russian Guard Infantry (Napoleonic Wars 1804-1807 Years)
RB72130 Russian Grenadiers (Napoleonic Wars 1804-1808 Years)
RB72131 Russian Line Infantry (Musketeers. Napoleonic Wars 1805-1808 Years)
RB72132 Russian Light Infantry (Jäger. Napoleonic Wars 1805-1808 Years)



2450 200 Years Waterloo 1815
2570 French Grenadier Guards
2571 British Infantry
2576 French Mounted Guard Chasseurs
2577 British Foot Artillery
2578 British Life Guards
2580 Prussian Infantry
2581 British Rifles
2586 French Hussars
        This is a copy of Italeri 6008
2587 French Dragoons
        This is a copy of Italeri 6015
2588 French Horse Guards Artillery
        This is a copy of Italeri 6018
2589 Prussian Cuirassiers Mounted Regiment K2
        This is a copy of Italeri 6007


Sergent Arny (Resin)

7201 Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard 1805/15 (Set 1)
7202 Retreat from Moscow
        Looks to be a combination of Legio Collection / Lancier Bleu sets LC-LB009 Retreat from Moscow - French Infantry on the March, LC-LB010 Retreat from Moscow - French Infantry in Combat 1 and LC-LB011 Retreat from Moscow - French Infantry in Combat 2
SP 01 Drum Major
        This is a single figure
SP 02 Drummer in bonnet de police
        This is a single figure
SP 03 Officer in greatcoat and bicorn
        This is a single figure
SP 04 Gendarmes in greatcoats
SP 05 Westphalian Infantry (grenadiers in greatcoats)
SP 06 Westphalian Infantry (grenadiers in bearskins)


Speira Miniatures (Resin, 3-D printed)

British Infantryman attacks with musket (v1)
British Infantryman attacks with musket (v2)
  Mortier de 12 Gribeauval
  27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot - Waterloo 1815 hit by bullet
  27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot - Waterloo 1815 soldier assisting wounded
  27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot - Waterloo 1815 Casualties on back
  27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot - Waterloo 1815 hit in head
  27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot - Waterloo 1815 Wounded stretching for help no knapsack
  27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot - Waterloo 1815 Wounded stretching for help with knapsack
  27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot - Waterloo 1815 falling on back
 Canon de 24 Gribeauval - French 24 pdr. Fortress Gun
 Canon de 16 Gribeauval  - French 16 pdr. Fortress Gun
  27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot - Waterloo 1815 standing
  27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot - Waterloo 1815 loading
 10 x Brown Bess
 10 x Brown Bess Long Land Pattern
 Canon de 24 Gribeauval 1775
 27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot -
Waterloo 1815 crouching with knapsack
 27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot -
Waterloo 1815 running
French Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 aiming
French Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 aiming with bayonet
 French Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 biting
 French Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 biting with bayonet
 French Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 loading
 French Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 loading with bayonet
 French Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 going down
 French Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 going down with bayonet
 French Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 filling powder
 French Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 filling powder with bayonet
 French Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 attention
 French Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 attention with bayonet
 French Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 shot
 French Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 shot with bayonet
 27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot -
Waterloo 1815 falling
27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot -
Waterloo 1815 standing hand on hip
 27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot -
Waterloo 1815 soldier helping friend
 27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot -
Waterloo 1815 soldier caring for wounded
 French chubby Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 biting
 French Grenadier soldier Waterloo 1815 filling powder (seems to be a chubby version)
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, dead on the side laying on the ground
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, wounded standing on knee
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, dead on ground
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, just shot
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, shot and falling
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, running
  Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, charging long step
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, charging
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, charging rifle forward
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, charging rifle raised
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, advancing with rifle raised
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, stabbing with rifle high
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, biting
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, shooting upwards
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, shot
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, charging fast
 Prussian 25th Line (Lützow Freikorps) soldier, running hand forward
 27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot -
Waterloo 1815 crouching with knapsack alt pose 1
 27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot -
Waterloo 1815 crouching with knapsack alt pose 2
 27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot -
Waterloo 1815 crouching with knapsack alt pose 3
 27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot -
Waterloo 1815 crouching with knapsack alt pose 4 chubby
 27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot -
Waterloo 1815 crouching with knapsack alt pose 5
 27th "Inniskillin" Regiment of Foot -
Waterloo 1815 soldiers assisting wounded
 French Grenadier charging. 1809/1812 campaigns. full dress uniform
 French Grenadier charging. 1809/1812 campaigns. full dress uniform
 French Grenadier loading. 1809/1812 campaigns. full dress uniform
 French Grenadier shooting standing. 1809/1812 campaigns. full dress uniform
 French Grenadier advancing. 1809/1812 campaigns. full dress uniform
 French Grenadier charging. 1809/1812 campaigns. full dress uniform
 French Grenadier preparing. 1809/1812 campaigns. full dress uniform
 French Grenadier. 1809/1812 campaigns. full dress uniform. falling
 French Grenadier. 1809/1812 campaigns. full dress uniform. dead on ground
 French Grenadier. 1809/1812 campaigns. full dress uniform. dead on ground face down



001 The French Army’s Camp
002 Russian and Prussian Chiefs of Staff
003 Napoleonic Polish Infantry and French Engineers
009 French Foot Dragoons and Polish Grenadiers
011 Allied Chiefs of Staff (2)
013 Napoleon's General Staff
015 Russian Uhlans
018 Russian Mounted Jägers
019 Russian Hussars
022 Saxon Garde du Corps
048 Napoleon's General Staff (2)
067 Russian Dragoons in Winter Dress
084 Borodino
087 Russian Hussars in Winter Dress
089 French Cuirassiers in Winter Dress
094 Napoleonic French Cuirassiers (Summer Dress)
095 Guides of Napoleon
096 French Hussars
101 Napoleonic French Uhlans in Winter Dress
102  French Uhlans in Summer Uniform 
105  French Cuirassiers in Attack 
106  Early French Carabiniers 
133 French Army Sledge Train 1
134 French Army Sledge Train 2
135 Russian Army Sledge Train 1
136 Russian Army Sledge Train 2
140 Highlanders on the March
141 British Infantry on the March
142 Polish Infantry on the March
144 Polish Troops in Attack
145 British Infantry in Attack
146 Highlanders in Attack
154 Brunswick Light Guards Battalion
155 Prussian Hussars
161 Prussian 7th Uhlans
162 British Infantry Standing at Ease
163 Highlanders Standing at Ease
168 Landwehr on the March
169 Landwehr Standing at Ease
170 Old Guard Standing at Ease
171 Old Guard at Attention
173 French Line Infantry on the March 1 (Flanking Companies)
174 Prussian Infantry on the March
180 Prussian Infantry Standing Shoulder Arms
181 Old Guard on the March
184 French Line Infantry Standing at Attention
199 Highlanders Standing Shoulder Arms
200 Highlanders Standing Order Arms
201 British Infantry Standing Order Arms
202 British Infantry Standing Shoulder Arms
204 Austrian Grenadiers Standing Shoulder Arms
206 Austrian Grenadiers in Winter Dress Standing Shoulder Arms
209 Austrian Grenadiers in Winter Dress on the March 1
211 Prussian Line Infantry Standing Shoulder Arms
212 Russian Infantry on the March 1
216 Russian Infantry Standing Shoulder Arms
217 Russian Infantry Standing Order Arms
218 Russian Infantry in Overcoats Standing Shoulder Arms
219 Russian Infantry in Overcoats Standing Order Arms
220 French Line Infantry on the March 2
222 French Infantry Summer Order Arms
225 French Line Infantry at Ease in Winter Dress (Flanking Companies)
227 Bavarian Infantry in Attack
228 Prussian Uhlans
229 Prussian Dragoons
270 Bavarian Infantry at Ease
271 Bavarian Infantry Standing Shoulder Arms
272 Bavarian Infantry on the March
273 Bavarian Infantry Firing Line
274 Bavarian Infantry in Square
275 Austrian Uhlans
276 Russian Hussars in Reserve
277 French Guard Chasseurs
278 British Infantry Firing Line
279 Highlanders Firing Line
287 Highlanders in Square
288 Russian Jägers in Summer Dress
289 Russian Jägers in Winter Dress
M010 French Guard Chasseurs in Winter Dress
M011 Russian Grenadiers in Winter Dress
M023  French Line Infantry on the March (1)
M026 French Infantry in Advance 
M094 British Line Infantry in Overcoats 1
M097 British Line Infantry in Overcoats 2



01 Casualties in French uniform 1809/1815
02Prussian Landwehr casualties 1813/1815
03  Casualties in British uniform 1815 
04  Casualties in Bavarian uniform 1807/1813 
05 Dead Russian Infantry 1812/1814
06 Dead Highlanders 1812/1815
07 Wounded in Field Hospital 1805/1815
08 Dead Austrians 1798/1809
09 Dead Spaniards 1808/1814
10 Casualties of French Grenadiers of the Guard 1815


Waterloo 1815

AP008 Polish Infantry 1812/14
AP009 Dutch Belgian Artillery 1815
AP020 Prussian Infantry 1815
AP021 Prussian Hussars
AP028 Monted (sic) Line Officers 1813/1815
AP032 Prussian Death's Head Hussars
AP039 Highland Infantry 1815 (in square)
AP041 Napoleonic French Foot Dragoons
AP053 British Heavy Dragoons 1812-1815
AP054 French Line Lancers 1811-1815
AP056 French Line Infantry 1815
AP058 Prussian officers and High Staff 1813-1815
AP061 1815 French Line Infantry Fusiliers Marching
AP062 French Line Voltigeurs at Waterloo
AP100 Belgian Carabiniers 1815
  (6 resin figures, mounted)
AP100BIS Belgian Carabiniers 1815 Additional Troops
  (4 resin figures, mounted, from set AP100)



YK01 French Line Infantry 1815
        This is a copy of Odemars PF19
YK02 Napoleonic French Grenadiers
        This is a copy of Odemars CF03
YK03 Napoleonic Portuguese Infantry
        This is a copy of Odemars CF02
YK04 British Line Infantry 1815
        This is a copy of Odemars PF20
YK10 Spanish Infantry 1808
        This is a copy of Odemars CF01
YK13 Wellington's Staff
        This is a copy of Odemars PF14
YK23 Chiefs of War
         This is a copy of Odemars PF03 
YKRIP04 Dead Napoleonic French Engineers
YKRIP07 Dead Brunswick Avant Garde
YKRIP10 Dead French Young Guard
YKRIP17 British Green Jackets 95th
YKRIP25 Dead French Carabiniers with horses - 1815
YKRIP26 Dead French Dragoons with horses - 1815
YKRIP27 Dead French Cuirassiers with horses - 1815
YKRIP28 Dead Mameluke Cavalrymen with horses - 1815
YKRIP31 French Dead - 1812
YKRIP32 Dead French Foot Artillery - 1810/15
YKRIP33 Dead French Hussars with horses - 1815
YKRIP34 Dead Cossacks with horses - 1812/14
YKRIP35 Dead French Guard Horse Artillery - 1810/15
YKRIP36 Dead French Light Cavalry
YKRIP37 Dead Prussian Light Cavalry
YKRIP38 Dead British Light Cavalry
YKRIP39 Vignette from Waterloo 1815 (Set 1)
YKRIP40 Vignette from Waterloo 1815 (Set 2)
YKRIP41 Dead Polish Lancers with horses - 1815
YKRIP42 Dead Austrian Grenzers
YKRIP43 Dead French Voltigeurs
YKRIP45 Dead Prussian Cuirassiers with horses - 1806/07
YKRIP46 Dead Russian Guard Heavy Artillery - 1812/14
YKRIP47 Dead Prussians
YKRIP48 Dead Russian Grenadiers - 1806/07
YKRIP49 Dead Russian Cuirassiers with horses - 1812/14
YKRIP50 Dead Russian Artillery - 1812/15
YKRIP51 Dead Scots Greys with horses - 1815
YKRIP52 Dead French Grenadiers
YKRIP53 Dead British Artillery 1805/15
YKRIP54 Dead French Imperial Guard Artillery
YKRIP55 Dead Russians
YKRIP57 Dead French Cuirassiers with horses
YKRIP58 Dead Russian Hussars with horses
YKRIP59 Dead Saxon Cuirassiers with horses 1810/14
YKRIP60 Dead Russian Hussars with horses 1812/14
YKRIP66 Dead Prussian (Death's Head) Hussars with horses 1812/15
YKRIP67 Dead Russian Grenadiers (Winter Dress)
YKRIP69 Dead French Guard Chasseurs (Winter Dress)
YKRIP70 Dead Russian Chasseurs with horses
YKRIP71 Dead Prussian Dragoons with horses - 1806
YKRIP72 Dead French Grenadiers with horses
YKRIP73 Dead Austrian Artillery
YKRIP74 Dead Bavarian Artillery
YKRIP77 Dead Swedish Artillery
YKRIP78 Dead French Artillery - 1805
YKRIP82 Dead Spanish Guerillas
YKRIP85 Dead British Sailors
YKRIP87 Dead Russian Militia
YKRIP90 Dead Russian Light Infantry - 1805
YKRIP93 Dead British Foot Artillery
YKRIP95 Dead Prussians - 1815
YKRIP96 Dead Dutch-Belgian Artillery - 1815
YKRIP97 Dead Lutzow Freikorps - 1813
YKRIP98 Dead French Foot Dragoons
YKRIP99 Elite Cavalry of Napoleon
YKRIP101 Dead British "Green Jackets 95th"
YKRIP102 British Dead - 1815
YKRIP103 Scottish Dead - 1815
YKRIP106 Dead Austrian Landwehr
YKRIP107 Dead Swedish Hussars with horses
YKRIP108 Dead Swedish Dragoons with horses
YKRIP109 Dead Swedish Carabiniers with horses
YKRIP110 Dead Swedish Royal Lifeguards
YKRIP111 Dead Swedish Cuirassiers with horses
YKRIP112 Dead Prussian Dragoons with horses
YKRIP117 Dead Austrian Cuirassiers with horses
YKRIP118 Dead French Lancers with horses
YKRIP119 Dead British Heavy Dragoons with horses
YKRIP120 Dead Dutch-Belgian Light Dragoons with horses
YKRIP122 Dead KGL Light Dragoons with horses
YKRIP125 Dead Bavarian Fusiliers
YKRIP126 British Artillery with Rocket
YKRIP127 Dead Brunswick Leib Infantry
YKRIP128 Dead French Light Infantry - 1812
YKRIP157 Dead French Line Infantry - 1805
YKRIP159 Dead Belgians
YKRIP129 Dead Württemberg Artillery
YKRIP130 Dead Prussian Fusiliers - 1806
YKRIP131 Dead Prussian Artillery - 1815
YKRIP132 Dead Prussian Artillery - 1806
YKRIP134 Dead Cossacks with horses
YKRIP135 French Cuirassiers and Scots - 1815
YKRIP137 Dead Austrian Line Infantry
YKRIP139 Dead Prussian Reserve Infantry
YKRIP141 Dead Dutch Infantry
YKRIP143 Dead Prussian Jäger
YKRIP149 Dead French Light Infantry Chasseurs
YKRIP151 Dead French Line Fusiliers - 1812
YKRIP153 Bavarian Dead - 1815
YKRIP155 Dead Prussian Musketeers - 1806
YKRIP165 Dead French Line Grenadiers - 1805/1812
YKRIP167 Dead Austrian Grenadiers
YKRIP169 Dead Prussian Elites - 1806
YKRIP171 Dead French Light Infantry - 1805
YKRIP173 Dead French Fusiliers Grenadiers of the Middle Guard
YKRIP175 Dead French Carabiniers
YKRIP181 Dead French Line Infantry (Winter Dress) - 1805
YKRIP183 Dead Nassau Infantry
YKRIP193 Dead Württemberg Grenadiers
YKRIP195 Dead Swedish Line Infantry
YKRIP201 Dead Finns
YKRIP203 Dead Varmland Swedes
YKRIP205 Dead British Marines
YKRIP369 Polish Dead - 1812/1814
YKRIP383 Dead Brunswick Cavalry
YKRIP384 Dead Württemberg Cavalry
SPYK-04 Bérézina 1812 - Tragic Scenes of the Retreat from Russia
SPYK-08 Battle of Moskowa - Borodino 7 September 1812
SPYK-10 Battle of Waterloo 1815
SYK-01 Napoleon 1769-1821
      This is a copy of the Napoleon figure from
      Odemars PF03
YKBOR01 The Borodino Redoubt Part 1
KYK-02 Napoleon - Allegory
KYK-03 The Trap called Bérézina
EYEK-01 Napoleonic French Camp



6802 French Line Infantry 1812 - 1815
6808 Russian Line Infantry 1812 - 1814
6809 Russian Foot Artillery 1812 - 1814
6810 French Foot Artillery 1812 - 1814
6811 Russian Dragoons 1812 - 1814
6812 French Dragoons 1812 - 1814
6815 Russian Line Infantry (Command Group) 1812 - 1814
6816 French Line Infantry (Command Group) 1812 - 1815
6817 Russian Dragoons (Command Group) 1812 - 1814
6818 French Dragoons (Command Group) 1812 - 1814
8018Lifeguard Cossacks
8020Russian Heavy Infantry Grenadiers
8021French Infantry 1805-1813
       This is a copy of Italeri 6002
8022Russian Foot Artillery
8023French Guard Horse Artillery
       This is a copy of Italeri 6018
8024French Dragoons 1805-1812
       This is a copy of Italeri 6015
8026Russian Cuirassiers 1812-1814
8028French Foot Artillery 1810-1815
8030French Imperial Old Guards (1804-1815) Grenadiers
8033French Carabiniers 1805-1815
       This is a copy of Italeri 6003
8035Saxon Cuirassiers
8037 French Cuirassiers 1807-1815
8042French Elite Infantry Voltigeurs
8045 Russian Guard Heavy Artillery 1812-1814
8055Russian Hussars 1812-1814
8075 Lifeguard Polish Uhlans 1809-1815
8080 French Napoleonic HQ Staff 1805-1814
8215 Borodino Cossack Attack ("Age of Battles" set)
        50 French Infantry (1 set Zvezda 8021)
        30 Russian Cossacks (2 sets Zvezda 8018)
        "Age of Battles" rulebook and other wargame equipment
8221 Borodino 1812, Battle for Moscow ("Age of Battles" set)
        96 Infantry (probably from previous Zvezda sets)
        32 Cavalry (probably from previous Zvezda sets)
        31 Artillerymen (probably from previous Zvezda sets)
        5 Cannon and 3 Limbers (probably from previous Zvezda sets)
        1 Redoubt (possibly exclusive to this set)
        "Age of Battles" rulebook and other wargame equipment
8225 The Battle of Leipzig ("Age of Battles" set)
        1 mounted Russian general (exclusive to this set)
        over 160 other figures (probably from previous Zvezda sets)
        "Age of Battles" rulebook and other wargame equipment