Sets suitable for recreating the Battle
of Borodino
This list is basically a copy of the complete list of figures by all manufacturers, but with the following filters applied:
1. Does the set represent a nation, which participated in the battle?
2. Does the set represent a troop type, which participated in the battle?
3. Has a review site dated the uniform to the correct period of the Napoleonic Wars?
This means that for instance, the
HäT French Line Infantry are included in the list because there were French
line infantry present at Borodino and the PSR review site dates the figures represented in this set to
the period 1808 to 1812. However, whether or not this set could represent a specific unit at
Borodino, e.g. the 57th Line, is beyond the scope of this list. That level of detail is a project for another day.
To see this list sorted by nation, click

Manufacturers (in alphabetical order)
A Call to Arms
Barcelona Universal Models (B.U.M.)
Hät Industrie
Red Box
Waterloo 1815
A Call to Arms
51 |
French Cuirassiers 1815 |
53 |
French Carabiniers 1815 |
7212 |
Waterloo French Cavalry |
This is a copy of Airfix 1736 |
1736 |
Waterloo French Cavalry (Cuirassiers) |
1749 |
Waterloo French Imperial Guard |
Barcelona Universal Models (B.U.M.)
7111 |
Peninsular War 2nd of May |
only the French grenadiers |
7112 |
Peninsular War Agustina of Aragon |
only the French cuirassiers |
7113 |
Joseph Bonaparte Grenadiers and Artillery |
7114 |
Legion of the Vistula |
7156 |
Smolensk 1812 |
214 |
French Imperial Guard "Waterloo 1815" |
218 |
"Polish Lancers" French Cavalry |
219 |
British and French Artillery |
only the
French Artillery |
227 |
French Line Infantry |
234 |
French Artillery |
235 |
French Cuirassiers |
236 |
Russian Granadiers (sic) |
513 |
Borodino 1812 Battle Set |
001 |
Polish Infantry 1809-14 |
This is a copy of HYTTY 2001 |
017 |
Napoleonic War French Engineers |
This is a copy of LW 36 |
024 |
French Military Band |
This is a copy of HYTTY 2001 |
027 |
Napoleonic Polish Infantry 1809-14 |
This is a copy of HYTTY 2001 |
Hät Industrie
8005 |
Prussian Uhlans 1815 |
8006 |
Napoleonic Russian Cossacks |
8009 |
Napoleonic French Dragoons |
8010 |
Napoleonic Russian Artillery |
8011 |
Napoleonic French Lancers |
8013 |
French Horse Grenadiers |
8016 |
Russian Cuirassiers |
8029 |
French Line Chasseurs |
8030 |
Napoleonic Bavarian Cavalry |
8042 |
French Light Infantry |
8063 |
1805 French Light Infantry |
8093 |
Württemberg Infantry |
8095 |
1808-1812 French Line Infantry |
8099 |
Russian Militia |
8101 |
French Ammunition Caisson |
8102 |
French Wurst Wagon |
8103 |
Light Ambulance |
8104 |
French Heavy Ambulance |
8105 |
French Limber |
8106 |
French Baggage Wagon |
8107 |
Field Forge |
8166 |
1805-1812 French Line Grenadiers |
8167 |
French Middle Guard: Fusilier Grenadiers |
8170 |
French Guard Chasseurs |
8218 |
1808-1812 French Light Infantry
Voltigeurs |
8220 |
1808-1812 French Light Infantry
Carabiniers |
2001 |
Napoleonic Polish Infantry 1809-14 (after the battle) |
6002 |
Les Bleus French Infantry |
6003 |
Carabiniers French Cavalry |
6006 |
Russian Grenadiers Pavlov Regiment |
6016 |
French Imperial General Staff |
6017 |
Napoleonic Wars Accessories French Army Support Convoy |
6018 |
French Line/Guard Artillery French Artillery |
6031 |
Napoleonic Wars French Artillery Set |
6037 |
Austrian and Russian Allied General Staff |
6039 |
Dutch-Polish Lancers Red Lancers |
This is a copy of Esci 218 |
6042 |
Cossack Cavalry |
This is a copy of Zvezda 8018 |
6072 |
French Grenadiers |
This is a copy of Esci 214 |
6073 |
Russian Infantry |
This is a copy of Esci 236 |
6082 |
Mamelukes |
6084 |
French Cuirassiers |
This is a copy of Esci 235 |
6135 |
French Imperial Guard Artillery |
This is a copy of Esci 234 |
36 |
Napoleonic War Engineers |
72016 |
French Artillery |
This is a copy of Esci 234 |
72028 |
Russian Uhlans (1812-1815) |
72029 |
Russian Dragoons (1812-1815) |
CF03 |
French Grenadiers |
PF03 |
Leaders |
There is only one figure in this set, which is of interest for the
Napoleonic era: that of Napoleon Bonaparte himself |
Red Box
72130 |
Russian Grenadiers (Napoleonic Wars 1804-1808 Years) |
2570 |
French Grenadier Guards |
2576 |
French Mounted Guard Chasseurs |
2587 |
French Dragoons |
This is a copy of Italeri 6015 |
2588 |
French Horse Guards Artillery |
This is a copy of Italeri 6018 |
001 |
The French Army’s Camp |
002 |
Russian and Prussian Chiefs of Staff |
003 |
Napoleonic Polish Infantry and French Engineers |
009 |
French Foot Dragoons and Polish Grenadiers |
011 |
Allied Chiefs of Staff (2) |
013 |
Napoleon's General Staff |
015 |
Russian Uhlans |
019 |
Russian Hussars |
022 |
Saxon Garde du Corps |
048 |
Napoleon's General Staff (2) |
084 |
Borodino |
094 |
Napoleonic French Cuirassiers (Summer Dress) |
102 |
French Uhlans in Summer Uniform |
105 |
French Cuirassiers in Attack |
M023 |
French Line Infantry on the March (1) |
M026 |
French Infantry in Advance |
01 |
Casualties in French uniform 1809/1815 |
04 |
Casualties in Bavarian uniform
1807/1813 |
05 |
Dead Russian Infantry 1812/1814 |
07 |
Wounded in Field Hospital 1805/1815 |
Waterloo 1815
008 |
Polish Infantry 1812/14 |
021 |
Prussian Hussars |
028 |
Monted (sic)
Line Officers 1813/1815 |
YK02 |
Napoleonic French Grenadiers |
This is a copy of Odemars CF03 |
Dead Napoleonic French Engineers |
8018 |
Lifeguard Cossacks |
8020 |
Russian Heavy Infantry Grenadiers |
8021 |
French Infantry 1805-1813 |
This is a copy of Italeri 6002 |
8022 |
Russian Foot Artillery |
8023 |
French Guard Horse Artillery |
This is a copy of Italeri 6018 |
8026 |
Russian Cuirassiers 1812-1814 |
8028 |
French Foot Artillery 1810-1815 |
8030 |
French Imperial Old Guards (1804-1815) Grenadiers |
8033 |
French Carabiniers 1805-1815 |
This is a copy of Italeri 6003 |
8035 |
Saxon Cuirassiers |
8042 |
French Elite Infantry Voltigeurs |
8055 |
Russian Hussars 1812-1814 |
8075 |
Lifeguard Polish Uhlans 1809-1815 |
8215 |
Borodino Cossack Attack ("Age of Battles" set) |
8221 |
Borodino 1812, Battle for Moscow ("Age of Battles" set) |