Uniforms & Organisation
I have started translating the
German-language magazine Depesche, which was published from the mid
eighties to early nineties, into English. The translated articles are posted
on the Napoleon Series website.
The links below lead to the individual articles. Note that these articles
are posted on the Napoleon Series website.
By the way, Depesche
magazine was a forerunner of the
Napoleon Online website, which has
the original
issues in PDF format.

Depesche Issue 1
13th Hussar Regiment (Jerome Napoleon)
Musicians of the Red Lancers
Prussian Horse Artillery 1815
The French 3rd Line and its White Uniform - Part 1
The Trophies of Austerlitz
7th Neapolitan Infantry Regiment
Depesche Issue 2
The Service Life of Clothing and Equipment during the Napoleonic Wars
Bavarians at Arcis-sur-Aube
The Czapka
Funeral Regulations
14th French Hussars 1813
The Spanish Infantry of King Joseph Bonaparte 1808 - 1814
The 3rd French Line and its White Uniform - Part 2
Depesche Issue 3
Electorate of Saxony, Kettle-Drummer of the Kochtitzki Cuirassier
Regiment 1806
French Telegraphs
A Russian Corps at Borodino 1812
14th French Hussars 1814
Prussian Horse Artillery 1815 - Part 2
The Reserve Companies of the French départements
Depesche Issue 4
This issue was posted only in
pdf version on the Napoleon Series website. It includes the following
articles (not individually linked here).
A Russian Corps at Borodino 1812 - Part 2
Magazine Roundup
Russian Guard Cossacks, 1812-1815
The Royal Italian Sapeur Battalion, 1806-1807
Sapeur of the 1st French Light Infantry Regiment
Table of Contents for the First Year
Depesche Issue 5
pdf version on the Napoleon Series website includes the following
The Appearance of the Prussian Army during the
Wars of Liberation
The Reserve Companies of the Départements
The Württemberg Army 1812
Uniforms of the Spanish Generals and the General Staff 1808-1814
Magazine Roundup
French Riding School
Depesche Issue 6
Issue 6 is a Special Edition, dedicated to the
Campaign of 1806. The
pdf version on the Napoleon Series website includes the following
The War of 1806
Jena and Auerstädt - 180 Years Later
Blücher's March to Lübeck
Prussian Dragoons 1806
Saxon Infantry 1806
The French Army in the Campaign of 1806
Depesche Issue 7
pdf version on the Napoleon Series website includes the following
Prussian Dragoons 1806
Saxon Uniforms 1812-1814, according to contemporary sources
Magazine Round-up
Saxon Infantry 1806
Royal Prussian Infantry Regiment "von Courbiere" (Number 58) 1806
Depesche Issue 8
pdf version on the Napoleon Series website includes the following
The Württemberg Army 1812
Musket Lengths
The Otto Manuscript
Magazine Round-up
The Royal Italian Sapeur Battalion, 1808-1814
The "Bardin" Regulation of 1812
Table of Contents for Year 2
Depesche Issue 9
Issue 9 is a Special Edition, dedicated to the
Campaign of 1807. The
pdf version on the Napoleon Series website includes the following
The Campaign of 1807
Questions and Answers
Russian Dragoons 1807
The Municipal Guard of Paris
Royal Württemburg Military 1806-1808