Personality Figures for Austerlitz
The following figures represent definite personalities who were present at the Battle of Austerlitz. I have tried to standardise the spelling of the names, as there are a number of differences between the spelling used by the manufacturers and those to be found in literature. As well as the set which includes each figure, I have also included the rank of the individual at Austerlitz and the unit commanded, and whether the figure is standing, mounted, sitting, etc.
For each individual, I have listed all figures of that person, which I am aware of. I have not taken into account the uniform of the figure. It could be that the individual was actually dressed differently at Austerlitz than the figure. However, I think it's more important to have a figure representing that person. If you want to be sure that the uniform is also correct, you will have to check other sources.
The personalities are listed by nation for which they served (which is not always the same as their own nationality).

Holy Roman Emperor Franz II (= Austrian Emperor Franz I)
Karl Philipp, Prince of Schwarzenberg
Holy Roman Emperor Franz II (= Austrian Emperor Franz I)
Emperor of Austria, observing
Standing: Strelets 011 Allied Chiefs of Staff (2)
Karl Philipp, Prince of Schwarzenberg
General-Lieutenant , observing
Standing: Strelets 011 Allied Chiefs of Staff (2)
Napoleon Bonaparte
Joachim Murat
Jean-Marie-Pierre-François Lepaige Dorsenne
Pierre David (Edouard) Colbert-Chabanais
Jean Lannes
Nicolas Jean-de Dieu Soult
Louis-Nicolas Davout
Dominique Jean Larrey
Louis-Claude Chouard
Jean-Baptiste Bessières
Roustam Raza
Napoleon Bonaparte
Emperor of France, Commander-in-Chief of the French forces
Mounted: Italeri 6016 French Imperial General Staff
Standing: Odemars PF03 Leaders
Standing: Strelets 003 Polish Infantry & French Engineers
Seated: Strelets 013 Napoleon’s General Staff
Mounted: Strelets 048 Napoleon’s General Staff (2)
Joachim Murat
Marshal of France, Commander of the Cavalry Reserve
Standing: Strelets 003 Polish Infantry & French Engineers
Standing: Strelets 013 Napoleon’s General Staff
Mounted: Strelets 048 Napoleon’s General Staff (2)
Mounted: Franznap FL-002 Murat King of
Jean-Marie-Pierre-François Lepaige Dorsenne
Colonel-Major, commanding 1st Brigade (Grenadiers à Pied) of the Infantry of the Imperial Guard
Standing: Strelets 013 Napoleon’s General Staff
Mounted: Strelets 048 Napoleon’s General Staff (2)
Pierre David (Edouard) Colbert-Chabanais
Captain, ADC to Marshal Berthier
Standing: Strelets 013 Napoleon’s General Staff
Jean Lannes
Marshal of France, Commander of the V Corps
Standing: Strelets 013 Napoleon’s General Staff
Nicolas Jean-de Dieu Soult
Marshal of France, Commander of the IV Corps
Standing: Strelets 013 Napoleon’s General Staff
Louis-Nicolas Davout
Marshal of France, Commander of the III Corps
Standing: Strelets 013 Napoleon’s General Staff
Mounted: Strelets 048 Napoleon’s General Staff (2)
Mounted: Franznap FL-001 Marechal Davout
Dominique Jean Larrey
Standing: Strelets 013 Napoleon’s General Staff
Louis-Claude Chouard
Captain, Chef d’Escadron 1st Regiment of Carabiniers
Mounted: Strelets 048 Napoleon’s General Staff (2)
Jean-Baptiste Bessières
Marshal of France, Commander of the Imperial Guard
Mounted: Strelets 048 Napoleon’s General Staff (2)
Roustam Raza
Napoleon's Personal Servant
Mounted: Italeri 6016 French Imperial General Staff
Standing: Strelets 013 Napoleon’s General Staff
Louis-Alexandre Berthier
Marshal of France, Chief of Staff
Seated: Zvezda 8080 French Napoleonic
HQ Staff 1805-1814
Tsar Alexander I
Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov
Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration
Aleksey Petrovich Yermolov
Nikolay Depreradovich
Vasily Orlov-Denisov
Piotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky
Fedor Uvarov
Peter Khristianovich Wittgenstein
Tsar Alexander I
Emperor of Russia, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian forces
Standing: Strelets 002 Russian and Prussian Chiefs of Staff
Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov
Field-Marshal, Commander of the Allied forces
Standing: Strelets 002 Russian and Prussian Chiefs of Staff
Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration
General-Lieutenant, Commander of the Advance Guard
Standing: Strelets 002 Russian and Prussian Chiefs of Staff
Aleksey Petrovich Yermolov
Colonel, 1st Horse Artillery Batallion attached to 5th Column
Standing: Strelets 002 Russian and Prussian Chiefs of Staff
Nikolay Depreradovich
General-Major, 2nd Brigade Guard Cavalry Division
Standing: Strelets 002 Russian and Prussian Chiefs of Staff
Vasily Orlov-Denisov
Rittmeister, Led a squadron of Life Guard Cossacks in the Imperial Guard
Standing: Strelets 002 Russian and Prussian Chiefs of Staff
Piotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky
General-Adjutant, Adjutant to Kutuzov
Standing: Strelets 002 Russian and Prussian Chiefs of Staff
Fedor Uvarov
General-Major, Commander of 4th Cavalry Brigade of 5th Column
Standing: Strelets 002 Russian and Prussian Chiefs of Staff
Peter Khristianovich Wittgenstein
General-Major, Commander Mariupol Hussars in Bagration’s Advance Guard
Standing: Strelets 002 Russian and Prussian Chiefs of Staff