About This Site
The intention of this site is to provide a resource for people interested in 1/72 Scale Napoleonic figures manufactured from soft plastic. The information contained on these pages has been collated by myself, using information from a variety of sources. I am not aware of the information in the form presented on this site being available anywhere else, either in printed or electronic form.

Any statement made on this site is correct to the best of my knowledge. However, I do not accept any responsibility for the effects of a statement being incorrect.
Any opinions voiced on this website are my own. You are quite free to disagree with them.
I have
checked all external links, but I do not take any responsibility for the
contents of any linked sites.
This site has been built and is maintained as part of a Strato Webhosting package. It is entirely privately funded and does not make use of advertising. I have no commercial interest in this website. I do not sell figures, even on e-Bay. I am not interested in buying figures offered by e-mail.
See the "Contact" page for my e-mail address if you would like to communicate with me.
The content of this website is © 2008-2022. You are welcome to use parts of the contents of this website, but please refer to this website as the source.