Sets with Personality Figures
The following sets include figures which represent definite personalities from the Napoleonic Wars. I have tried to standardise the spelling of the names, as there are a number of differences between the spelling used by the manufacturers and those to be found in literature. Where a manufacturer also gives a rank, I have left this in square brackets.
Although the Italeri Sets do not specify any names, it is fairly obvious who certain figures are supposed to represent.

B.U.M. 7112 Peninsular War Agustina of Aragon
Franznap FL-001 Marechal Davout
Franznap FL-002 Murat King of Naples
Italeri 6016 French Imperial General Staff
Italeri 6065 British & Prussian Allied General Staff
LW 1 Wellington’s Generals
Odemars PF03 Leaders
Strelets 002 Russian and Prussian Chiefs of Staff
Strelets 003 Polish Infantry & French Engineers
Strelets 011 Allied Chiefs of Staff (2)
Strelets 013 Napoleon’s General Staff
Strelets 048 Napoleon’s General Staff (2)
Strelets 170 Old Guard Standing at Ease
Strelets 171 Old Guard at Attention
Waterloo 1815 028 Mounted Line
Officers 1813/1815
Zvezda 8080 French
Napoleonic HQ Staff 1805-1814
B.U.M. 7112 Peninsular War Agustina of Aragon
Agustina Saragossa y Domènech (standing)
Franznap FL-001
Marechal Davout
[Marshal] Louis Nicolas Davout (mounted)
Franznap FL-002
Murat King of Naples
Joachim Murat (mounted)
Italeri 6016 French Imperial General Staff
Napoleon Bonaparte (mounted)
Roustam Raza / Ali (mounted)
Italeri 6065 British & Prussian Allied General Staff
Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington
Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher
LW 1 Wellington’s Generals
Unless otherwise stated, all figures listed below are standing.
[Major-General] Rowland Hill
[Major-General] Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole
[Lieutenant-General] Sir Stapleton Cotton (seated)
[Major-General] Sir Edward Pakenham
[Lieutenant-General] Sir Thomas Picton
[Military Secretary of Wellington] Lord Fitzroy Somerset
William Carr Beresford
[Lieutenant-General] Henry William Paget, Earl of Uxbridge
[General] Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington
[Brigadier-General] Robert Craufurd
Odemars PF03 Leaders
Napoleon Bonaparte (standing)
Strelets 002 Russian and Prussian Chiefs of Staff
All figures listed below are standing.
Tsar Alexander I
Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov
Michael Andreas Barclay de Tolly
Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration
Levin August, Count von Bennigsen
Matvei Ivanovich Platov
Aleksey Petrovich Yermolov
Nikolay Depreradovich
Vasily Orlov-Denisov
Alexander Kutaisov
Piotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky
Fedor Uvarov
Dmitry Neverovsky
Peter Khristianovich Wittgenstein
King Friedrich Wilhelm III
Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher
August Wilhelm von Gneisenau
Gerhard Johann von Scharnhorst
Friedrich Wilhelm von Bülow
Carl Phillip von Clausewitz
Ludwig Adolf von Lützow
Leopold Hermann Ludwig von Boyen
Hans David Yorck von Wartenburg
Strelets 003 Polish Infantry & French Engineers
Prince Józef Antoni Poniatowski (mounted)
Joachim Murat (standing)
Napoleon Bonaparte (standing)
Strelets 011 Allied Chiefs of Staff (2)
All figures listed below are standing.
Holy Roman Emperor Franz II (= Austrian Emperor Franz I)
Archduke Karl of Austria
Karl Philipp, Prince of Schwarzenberg
Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington
[Lieutenant-General] Sir Thomas Picton
[Major-General] Rowland Hill
[Lieutenant-General] William Carr Beresford
[Colonel] Sir William Howe DeLancey
[Lieutenant-General] Henry William Paget, Earl of Uxbridge
[Lieutenant-General] Sir Stapleton Cotton
Strelets 013 Napoleon’s General Staff
Unless otherwise stated, all figures listed below are standing.
Napoleon Bonaparte (seated)
Jean-Marie-François Lepaige Dorsenne
Edouard Colbert
Jean Lannes
Nicolas Jean-de Dieu Soult
Joachim Murat
Louis-Nicolas Davout
Jean-André Masséna
Michel Ney
Dominique Jean Larrey
Roustam Raza
Strelets 048 Napoleon’s General Staff (2)
All figures listed below are mounted.
[General] François Fournier
Joseph Bonaparte
[General] Antoine-Charles-Louis Lasalle
[General] Louis-Claude Chouard
Napoleon Bonaparte
[Marshal] Michel Ney
[Marshal] Joachim Murat
[General] Jean-Marie-Pierre-François Lepaige Dorsenne
Emmanuel de Grouchy
[Marshal] Jean-Baptiste Bessières
[Marshal] Louis-Nicolas Davout
[General] Laurent Gouvion Saint-Cyr
Strelets 170 Old Guard Standing at Ease
Napoleon Bonaparte (standing)
Strelets 171 Old Guard at Attention
Napoleon Bonaparte (standing)
Waterloo 1815 028 Mounted Line Officers 1813/1815
All figures listed below are mounted.
Willem, Prince of Orange
Friedrich Wilhelm, Duke of Brunswick
Sir Thomas Picton
Zvezda 8080 French
Napoleonic HQ Staff 1805-1814
[Marshal] Louis-Alexandre
Berthier (seated)