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Sets suitable for recreating the Battle of Austerlitz

This list is basically a copy of the complete list of figures by all manufacturers, but with the following filters applied:

   1. Does the set represent a nation, which participated in the battle?

   2. Does the set represent a troop type, which participated in the battle?

   3. Has a review site dated the uniform to the correct period of the Napoleonic Wars?

This means that for instance, the Italeri French Dragoons are included in the list because there were French dragoons present at Austerlitz and the PSR review site dates the figures represented in this set to pre-1810. However, whether or not this set could represent a specific unit at Austerlitz, e.g. the 18th Dragoons, is beyond the scope of this list. That level of detail is a project for another day.


To see this list sorted by manufacturer, click here








ESCI 226 Prussian and Austrian Infantry
         (only the Austrian infantry)
ESCI 508 Austerlitz 1805 Battle Set
         (only the Austrian infantry)
Hät 8015 Austrian Cuirassiers
Hät   8031 Napoleonic Austrian Chevauxleger
Italeri   6005 Austrian Grenadiers and Infantry
Italeri 6037 Austrian and Russian Allied General Staff
Italeri 6093 Austrian Infantry 1798 - 1805
Mars 72021 Austrian Uhlans
Strelets 011 Allied Chiefs of Staff (2)
         (only the Austrian chiefs of staff)
Tragik 08 Dead Austrians 1798/1809




A Call to Arms 51 French Cuirassiers 1815
Accurate 7212 Waterloo French Cavalry
         This is a copy of Airfix 1736
Airfix 1736 Waterloo French Cavalry (Cuirassiers)
Airfix 1749 Waterloo French Imperial Guard
ESCI 214 French Imperial Guard "Waterloo 1815"
Evolution 017 Napoleonic War French Engineers
         This is a copy of LW 36
Evolution 024 French Military Band
         This is a copy of HYTTY 2001
Hät 8001 1805 Napoleonic French Mamelukes
Hät 8009 Napoleonic French Dragoons
Hät 8013 French Horse Grenadiers
Hät 8062 1805 French Line Infantry
Hät 8063 1805 French Light Infantry
Hät 8101 French Ammunition Caisson
Hät 8102 French Wurst Wagon
Hät 8106 French Baggage Wagon
Hät 8107 French Field Forge
Hät 8146 1805 French Line Infantry in Greatcoats
Hät 8166 1805-1812 French Line Grenadiers
Hät 8170 French Guard Chasseurs
Hät 8171 1805 French Grenadiers and Voltigeurs
Hät 8218 French Voltigeurs
Italeri 6008 French Hussars 1o Regiment Hussards (sic)
Italeri 6015 French Dragoons Chevalerie de Ligne
Italeri 6016 French Imperial General Staff
Italeri 6018 French Line/Guard Artillery French Artillery
Italeri 6031 Napoleonic Wars French Artillery Set
Italeri 6072 French Grenadiers
         This is a copy of Esci 214
Italeri 6080 French Light Cavalry
Italeri 6082 Mamelukes
Italeri 6092 French Infantry 1798 - 1805
LW  36 Napoleonic War Engineers
Odemars CF03 French Grenadiers
Odemars PF03 Leaders
         (only the figure of Napoleon Bonaparte)
Revell 2570 French Grenadier Guards
Revell 2576 French Mounted Guard Chasseurs
Revell 2586 French Hussars
         This is a copy of Italeri 6008
Revell 2587 French Dragoons
         This is a copy of Italeri 6015
Revell 2588 French Horse Guards Artillery
         This is a copy of Italeri 6018
Strelets 001 The French Army’s Camp
Strelets 003 Napoleonic Polish Infantry and French Engineers
         (only the French engineers)
Strelets 013 Napoleon's General Staff
Strelets 048 Napoleon's General Staff (2)
Strelets 096 French Hussars
Strelets  106  Early French Carabiniers 
Strelets 170 Old Guard Standing at Ease
Strelets 171 Old Guard at Attention
YKREOL YK02 Napoleonic French Grenadiers
         This is a copy of Odemars CF03
YKREOL YKRIP04 Dead Napoleonic French Engineers
Zvezda 8023 French Guard Horse Artillery
         This is a copy of Italeri 6018
Zvezda 8024 French Dragoons 1805-1812
         This is a copy of Italeri 6015
Zvezda 8030 French Imperial Old Guards (1804-1815) Grenadiers
Zvezda 8042 French Elite Infantry Voltigeurs




Hät 8006 Napoleonic Russian Cossacks
Hät 8012 Napoleonic Russian Dragoons
Hät 8072 1805 Russian Line Infantry
Hät 8073 1805 Russian Light Infantry
Italeri 6037 Austrian and Russian Allied General Staff
Italeri 6042 Cossack Cavalry
         This is a copy of Zvezda 8018
Red Box 72129 Russian Guard Infantry (Napoleonic Wars 1804-1807 years)
Red Box 72131 Russian Line Infantry (Musketeers. Napoleonic Wars 1805-1808 years)
Red Box 72132 Russian Light Infantry (Jäger. Napoleonic Wars 1805-1808 years)
Strelets 002 Russian and Prussian Chiefs of Staff
         (only the Russian chiefs of staff)
Strelets 015 Russian Uhlans
Zvezda 8018 Lifeguard Cossacks